On this page there are some pictures of
the progress of building the "BITCH".

Here I have just put the engine,
rearwheel and forks in the frame and fitted the
rearfender ( still way to long ) and tank. There's
nothing wrong with my leg, I'm trying to find out where
to put the forwardcontrols. Forks, wheels and dragbar are
all from a donorbike that was lying about in the garage.

In the top picture you can see she's
starting to look like a real motorcycle. Frontdrumbrake
is a Honda "Black Bomber"
item, rear is the original. Here I also fitted the
obvious apehanger and open dragpipes. Less obvious, but a
lot of work were the aluminum oiltank, batterycarrier
with chainslider and forwardcontrols.
The bottom picture shows the bike's first time out,
complete with "Accel"
coils, K&N airfilters
and homemade seat. I had to fiddle around with different
front- and rearsprockets to get her running in the right

I put all the electrical components in
this "Harley"
teardrop toolbox.

Here she is in all her splendor. Frame
powdercoated black, tank and fender powdercoated grey
metallic with a grey pinstripe. In the back you can see
my runaround bike, a '79 XT 500.
Everybody should have one !

I tried this girder fork, but it didn't
work very well. Rake and trail were way off. It felt like
riding on ice, with the frontwheel falling into turns.
Pity, I really liked it. I could see my own frontwheel
while sitting on the bike.

On a holiday to France I blew the
engine near Nice. Riding too long in too hot conditions
with dragpipes turned my sparkplugs into torches and they
burnt two big holes in my pistons. I found a good running
CB 750 Bol 'd Or engine and
fitted that. It took a lot of work. I needed to make new
brackets for the engine, fit a bigger battery ( with
miles of new wire because of the electronic ignition )
and loads of small but timeconsuming stuff. I also fitted
a 5 gallon "Harley" tank.
I connected them with sturdy brackets to prevent them
from cracking ánd to put them a little further apart
then original. In between I made brackets for the coils.
I covered the gap with a yellow steel plate covered by a
black plate, perforated with little round holes.

Somewhere along the line I also fitted
( again ) "Harley"
Wide Glide triple trees ( or yokes, depending where
you're from ) with the Wide Glide forklegs. Frontbrake is
now a "Performance
Machine" 4 - pot caliper
grabbing a "Zodiac" skull
and crossbones stainless steel disc.
Everything ( and I mean everything ) is powdercoated
black. Tank, wheelrims, spokes, lower forklegs,
headlightshell and rim, sissybar, the wide
"Beachbar", even the mirror.
Well, like I said, she's retired now, just standing in
the garage next to the Z650 and the VMax, but I'll never
sell her. As you can see, we've spent quiet some time
Last Updated: December
30, 1998.