First of all: Suzi's Place,
a company dealing with Samurai's and Vitara's. These are some very
friendly and helpful people, lots of knowledge, lots of parts and
always in for some coffee ! I went to their place before I even owned
a Samurai and even then they helped me in telling me what to look for
when checking out a Samurai eventhough I made it clear I'd go and see
a Zuk somewhere else that afternoon ! Check my "SAMURAI SPECS
PAGE" ( not ready yet :-( ) to see what I bought
there and what work they did on my Samurai.

Best Zuki-site on the
Internet, loads of info on all the possible mods + a nice Forum for
all your questions

Be sure to visit this site,
I'm an International Contributor there ;-)
Want to know everything
about Zuk's ? Want to be able to brag to your friends about all the
things you know about changing Samurai's. Do you have a question about
what can and can not be done on a Zuk ?
Check one of these 2 awesome
Fora !!

Both very informative, both
very helpful !
And of course I have to
mention OffRoadCentre in Utrecht:

When they heard I bought a
Samurai they immediatly went into the attick and brought some nice,
special stuff ( and took all my money ;-) )
Ever any questions about
setting up a Weber carb for your Samurai ? Don't look any further,
contact the Weber Guru himself
