As with the "VMax
pages" the trike pages also got longer and longer
with more and more pictures taking too long to load, so
here's page 2! And I have no doubt that Page 3 will soon
Below a picture of the
worst rodbearing ( actually it's the top and
bottombearing jammed into each other ). This one had
axialmovement as well.You can see the coloration on the
rod caused by heat.

In the picture below the
crankbearings ( or what's left of them ). As you can see:
the copper lining is gone.

February 9th: Went by at
the rebuilders and took some pictures of the progress on
the engine. Conrods are sandblasted, checked and
polished, new gudgeonbearings fitted. New pistons and
oilpump have arrived.

Cranck alignment has
been checked and honed as are the cilinders.

Cranck is ready to be
worked on.

Head has last cilinder
exhaustvalve seat removed, due to water in the engine it
has rotted away around the valve seat. It needs to be
welded and new seats will be installed. In cilinder #2
you can see the new valves.

On the picture below the
outletseat has already been welded and is ready for

On our weekly trip to ERAS ( February 16th ) I took pictures of what the
engine looks like now. Engine is ready to take the
pistons and cranck, new headbolts installed. Sump has
been sprayed mattblack, camchainmechanism cleaned, new
camchains and sprockets. New oilpump delivered.

Jagparts are ready to be
installed next week.

25th: A lot has already
been done again. See pictures below.

Below: because the head on this engine
has been changed to an E-type head and now has faster
"Isky" cams, the camcovers didn't fit like they
ought too, the camends touched the inside rim of the
covers. The bottom of the camcover is closed, unlike the
original ones that had a recess where the endbolt of the
cam would be ( right circle ), leaving a space to attach
the mechanical revcounter. I could have gone on a quest
for original covers but Cees replaced the end hexbolt of
the cams with an allenbolt to provide a little room and
made up 2 aluminum plugs that fit in the recess ( in his
hand in the oval and installed in the left circle ) which
will of course be cut in half so the gap is closed.
Originally these are closed with rubber plugs, but these
aluminum plugs look way cooler.

I've also asked ERAS to take a look at
the SU carbs, and guess what: no original spring, wrong
jets and needle, airintake halfclosed with a piece of
metal strip, fuelfilters full of crud and loads of rust
in the chambers. The rebuilder didn't even believe we had
driven the trike at all!!! They'll restore the SU's to
original specs as well. Cees will also make a neat copper
fueltube that fits close to the carbs underneath the
airfilters instead of the original fuelhose that hung on
the bottomside of the carbs. The extra carbunit,
providing extra fuel when the engine is cold had been
removed and was already replaced with a manual choke (
which has been redone by Cees, and now works properly ).
He also plugged all the tube- and bolt holes on the
intakemanifold which will not be used with the engine in
the trike, like the hot-air pickup and the heatingsystem
I might be going for 3 SU's, not for
performance ( I don't think I'll lack that ) but for look
and sound.

Looking good !!!

While the engine is out
I took out the gearbox as well ( only 8 bolts more work
), it was leaking very bad, so I had that checked as
well, just to be sure.......... which turned out be be a
good idea as this gearbox had very bad bearings as well.
I now think "
good condition" in England means that parts have no
yet been welded together due to oil loss and heat!!
is in the frame again, I'll pick up the engine in 2 days.
You can also ( just ) see the frontpart of the frame with
the new paintjob by Cora: Hammerite Black, giving it a
nice industrial look.

the trailfit of the new rearfenders, covering almost the
entire tires, like it should for the registration the
trike still has to go through. Made by van Renswoude Metaal in Nieuwegein, friends of mine,
who were kind enough to do this inbetween their busy
schedule. There's a link to the homepage of their company
on my "Links" page. ( and YES, I know it is a
mess in my garage right now ).

March 23rd I picked up the engine at ERAS and Reinier,
Cora and me put it back in the frame. It went
surprisingly easy.

fortunate to have a wife that likes these kind of things
too and is pretty technical to boot. In the picture below
you can see the advantage of that when I need someone
with very small fingers and technical insight.

!!!!!!! Today,
March 26th we started the engine and it ran like
clockwork, only a little fiddling with the carbs. Now we
have to finish all the little things like adapting 2
enginemounts ( just some welding required ), replace the
oilpressure gauge, make new exhausts ( silent enough to
hear myself think ) and check the wiring.
Below a
picture of Cees and Dick of ERAS Revisiebedrijf in Utrecht, who wanted to be there when I
fired up of the engine for the first time, to check
everything was allright. Nice one guys!

The old
frontfender has been powdercoated black bij Floor and
Herman ( the guys that made the rearfenders ). They made
diamondplate sidecovers and Stainless Steel brackets.

ordered K&N
airfilters for
the SU carbs, but when they came in, the holes didn't
match up ( nor the mountingholes, nor the airholes for
the SU-pistons ) so Cees turned up an adaptorplate, that
way I could use the K&N's anyway. Pity to put that
kind of work away in a place where it can't be seen.

May 4th- the Supertrapp
5" disc exhausts arrived from America. I ordered
them from Summit
because they were helpfull in trying to find out what
type of exhaust was good for my engine. Supertrapp themself could not be
bothered, all they
could come up with was sending me an automotive catalog!
These exhausts are BIIIIG Fu***rs!!!

I confess: this page is also starting to grow too big,
I'll make 3rd page!!
Click here for Page 1
Click here for page 3