You may have noticed that the 2nd page
about the jaguar trike took longer and longer to load, so
I made this 3rd page.
I couldn't get the handthrottle to work
properly, so I dug up some old drawings and pictures of
the forward controls on my Honda 750 chop "
Bitch", adapted the drawings to make it work on the
trike as a footthrottle.

Top pictures show all the components
laid out in the way they are taken apart. One piece of
Stainless Steel, 30 mm round and 150 mm long, cut down to
18 mm over 50 mm, then cut down and cut with M14 thread.
On the 50 mm of 18mm is a piece of SS of the same 30 mm
bar with a 24 mm hole, which is lined with a 3mm thick
Messing bushing with a 2 mm sleeve on each side, and tabs
( SS 8mm ) welded to them to attach the footpedal too. It
also has a greasenipple on the underside. The next piece
of 30 mm bar has a hole with M14 thread inside,
"bolting" to the M14 axle, securing the
"footpedal-bar". The threaded bar has a
securing bolt underneath as well. The last piece of the
M14 bar sticks through a tab on the trikeframe.

Here you can see it on the trike. I'm
not sure whether I'm going to make an actual pedal as
this set-up seems to work pretty well. Top circle is the
joint on the carburator/ kickdown mechanism, top line is
the modified linkage from the carbs - for which I have to
make a neat bracket once everything is allright, this one
consisting of 3 brackets welded and bolted together
everytime something changed or didn't work out the way I
thought it would :( -, second circle is a U-joint bolted
to said bracket with a 8mm bar going down to a second
U-joint ( 3rd circle ) bolting to a threaded hole just
underneath the "pedal". I've found a round
spring which fits over the step and seems to work to
retract the pedal after pushing in the throttle. I've
drilled a small hole in the lower "pedal" to
hook it up too. Once everything is in place and working
properly I'll have to make a small bracket to attach the
other end of the spring too ( where the small triangle is
). Do you get it now, Niels? :)

In the picture above the last things
that needed to be added to make it work. Top U-joint is
bolted to the bottom of the top "tab" of the
pedal. Spring is kept tight against a small triangle of
Stainless Steel welded to the threaded bar. A M8 hole in
each "tab" provides the possibility to bolt a
real pedal too it later on. For now there's a 8mm bolt in
the lower one to provide grip.
Picture below is the whole contraption
on the trike.

And this is the way it looks now, with
a big aluminium foot on it. Small brackets and a pikenut ( right ) prevent my
foot from sliding off.

And this is from the bottom

I also made a bracket for the automatic
gearchangearm to run through ( and the arm itself topped
with a MOON 8-ball ). Bracket and arm will be made in
Stainless Steel when all the dimensions are correct. I'm
still working on that.

Exhaust with Supertrapps are on the
trike, only needing a small supportbracket through the

Funny detail on the gearboxdipstick

For registration I needed to lose the
wide twin rearwheels and fenders, so I bought 2 standard
Jagwheels ( blasted and powdercoated by VRM ), which were
shod with Snow and Mud tires ( 195/70/15 ) , which enhance the MadMax
feel :-). On top a fender from a trailer. I'm thinking of
replacing the low race tires ( 195/50/15 ) on the twinwheels for the
higher, tough looking tires after registration.

Dutch registration also requires that the outerrim
of the headlights are no
further then 35 cm from the widest part of the vehicle. In this case
that are the rearwheels, which are now suddenly "nice and small" ;-)

I've made a bracket that holds the headlights and the
indicators. Wiring runs on the headlightbar, no need to make it too
tidy, I'll take them off after registration ( No I will not nice sir
from the registration office !! )
Gerber Magendans ( link to his impressive site on my
"Links" page ) of the 3Wheels Trike Club Holland made some
pictures of my trike when we were trying to get it on a trailer to put
it on the Speed 2002 show in Rosmalen. We didn't succeed in getting
the trike on the trailer, the trike was way to low and wide for it.

While riding the trike to the trailer, the exhausts
( which are now a lot bigger then the ones the trike came with )
scraped the speedbumps in a big way, so I decided to go for the higher,
tough looking tires ( 195/70/15 ) in the rear right now. No use in
waiting 'till after registration, it will have the single wheels for
that anyway!

Looks good, I can still use the fenders VRM made for
the lower ( 195/50/15 ) tires, I only have to make the bottommount
about 3 cm higher. Glad they still fit, would have hated to go to
Herman and Floor and ask them to change the fenders they'd just made
I decided to make a longer testride then I had done
untill now. I only had made some rounds around the block ( didn't want
to go too far from home without registration ), so I asked a friend of
mine for his "green"plates ( for garages and testrides only
). I went to show the trike to some friends some 5 kilometers away and
set of to Floor and Herman's metalshop for some alterations.....................never
made it, the trike blew the headgasket only 8 kilometers down the road,
which is also 8 kilometers after the rebuild !!!! It had to be towed
back to ERAS by the ANWB. I must agree I pretty much had had enough of
the trike this way. We had to take the engine out ( with gearbox and
all ) again to take the topend off of the engine ( no space to take it
off with the engine in the frame ) and take the head off. Luckily
there was no further damage to the head, it was only a blown
headgasket due to the radiator being clogged, possibly with oil and
coolant from the former blown engine. I had a new radiator made up,
with S-cores and 2 highspec fans ( which had to be mounted to the rear
of the radiator, due to space problems ), which suck the air through
the radiator, replace all the hoses and, after some carefull
consulting with some Jaguarexperts, I decide to add a thermostat as
well. I found a thermostat housing in a local Britishcar scrapjard but
found that all the different types of outlets to the radiator were in
the front of said housing and touched the front framerail even without
the hose attached. Time to go to Floor and Herman again and fabricate
my own thermostathousing with the outlet off centre to clear the
framepipe. It's in the picture below, it's on the trike now and works
pretty well.

In the bottom right hole we've pressed a small pipe
for the overflow hose. I've made a longer testride now, stopping at
trafficlights and at the side of the road for some time with the
engine running, temperature going up to reasonable height and cooling
down when riding again, so I guess it's okay now.
June 2003
Still problems, not with the
cooling system but with the automatic gearbox. It does not work
properly. When I put in gear it will not go before I pour in several
liters of oil and then when I ride, the oil will come out of the
gearbox all over my shoes and the exhausts. I called the company that
rebuilt the gearbox ( ATR in Montfoort
) and they said it could only be a
small problem as long as it would be possible to pull the bottom of
the gearbox with the gearbox in the trike. I took the trike to them (
special transport, thanks to my little brother ) and just have to wait
for them to start work on it.
July 2003
They finally decided to start
to work on the trike and found out it was not just a small problem !!!
It appears the cranckshaft in the engine was for a manual gearbox
instead of the autobox I use, making it just a couple of millimiters
longer. This put axial pressure on the converter, that put axial
pressure on the oilpump, that eat itself into the housing !!! This
means a new oilpump and -housing and the converter had to be
re-adjusted. Not only that, but the axial pressure also put strain on
the crankshaft which gave damage to the axial bearings, meaning they
had to be replaced too ( after only about 50 kilometers ). This was
easy, just lift the trike in the front, pull the bellypan, losen the
distribution and change them, done by ERAS,
Utrecht of course, a very friendly
and quick rebuildershop, a company I'm
very satified with !!
June 2004
Well, finally an update on the
trike. As you may understand I was pretty fed up with it, costing me
over 750,- Euro's for the 50 kilometers I made on my last trip in June
last year. Everybody kept telling me that everything should be alright
now ( like we thought it would be the last 2 times we took the engine
out and put it back in ). I moved to a different garage where I can
work on the trike again and with the Rat- and Survivalbike meeting in
a town nearby, which was also attracting members of the Hardly
Ridables Club from England ( from which Budgie, the former owner of
the trike, is a member ) I finally had motivation again to work on it.
With the help of my good friend Arjan aka Mustang Sally we started to
reconnect all the lose ends, start it ( which it did after only 2
attempts ) and see what needed to be done. After working on it 2
Friday afternoons and 2 Sundays we had it running again, with no
oilleaks from engine or gearbox, running very smooth and sweet, only a
little noise from the engien, which disappeared after a few short

I did not fall asleep on the picture above, I am
very concentrated on the watertemperature and oilpressure gauges ;-)

Backing up after the first testrun ( note the other
toy in the back )

Posing in from of some more old metal ;-)
On the morning of the Saturday of the
RatBikeMeeting we went to the garage, me feeling a little nervous
about driving the trike again, most important thing in my wallet being
the AA card. It all worked fine, still loosing some coolant throught
the top radiatorcap, but it is impossible to see how much it really
needs, so it may have been too much. Temperature stayed okay, getting
just a bit hotter at trafficlights and cooling down when driving.
No problem there. No leaks from the engine and gearbox either, another
plus. Then at a trafficlight ( just after I told my mate everything
worked allright ) I tried to pull away and only heard a loud,
shreeking sound, coming from under me. After pushing the trike to the
roadside we tried to find out what it was, hoping it wasn't the
gearbox again. We found out that the axle from the gearbox was turning,
but the flange of the U-joint had broken it's welds so there was no
connection to the rearaxle ?????? After calling the AA and asking for
a car with a welding machine we were told that that car was too far
away and we had to wait for a towtruck that came along after only 20
minutes, not bad. We had the trike home after 20 minutes and the
flange welded back on in about 10 minutes. It ran like it should, but
it was already too late for the show ( you can only use the
"green" plates during shophours ) so we just sat there
trying different things on the trike. I was glad everything went
smooth, with only this little setback. Look forward to working on it
again and making it ready to have it tested for a Dutch license !!
Best thing were all the heads turning when I was
approaching, we went for fuel and 2 of the 3 employees came out to see
what pulled in, and from the Opel dealership next door all 4 salesmen
came to have a look. Sound is terrific !
Still need to work on the footthrottle, it just
doesn't work right with the pivotpoint being in the middle of my foot,
needs to be more like in a car, will work on that this week.
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